Friday, May 24, 2013

My Birthday

Today was my birthday, and it sure was special!!!  It began with my husband whispering "Happy Birthday."  Then, as I was in the bathroom, a formation of geese flew over our house honking their "Happy Birthday"....which made me think of my mother and how much she loved geese flying like that.  Carl and I got to exercise a little bit, and then into the car to drive to Tiburon.  We took the ferry to Angel Island, where the day was spectacular.  The weather was glorious!  Such an answer to prayer!  Although the week has been really windy and cool, today was not windy, totally sunny, and not foggy!!!  Thank you Father!  I am amazed at how much you show your love to me.  We enjoyed exploring the island, taking the tram tour.  I mentioned that it was my birthday, and all of a sudden, at one point, the guide stopped, got out, and said, "I want to take a moment to sing "Happy Birthday" to my friend, Kerstin!"  So the tram tour sang to me :)  We did not think we'd have enough time to climb to the top peak, but we headed out to try.  There were wildflowers and butterflies everywhere.  We were able to climb all the way to the top and see all the spectacular views!  So wonderful.  We had snacks and headed down.  It was such fun to go on the ferry, seeing sea creatures (ducks, porpoises), browse Tiburon meeting German speaking shop keepers who may be interested in hanging my art, eat at Old Chicago Pizza in Petaluma, have birthday cake at home, and open sweet and thoughtful birthday cards and gifts from loved ones.  Carl and the kids went all out.  Thank you Jesus!  My life with you is overflowing!

On the Tiburon-Angel Island Ferry (Angel Island is in the background)
 This island has great climbing!
 It even has jellyfish!
 We get to see lots of views of San Francisco from the tram tour.
 The Golden Gate Bridge and the Golden Fletcher Kids :)
 With Mama
All of us
 My honey and me
 We hike the trail up to the top
 It was simple amazing in every way.

 Can you spot the kids? 
 Use this photo to help spot them in the photo above.
 The summit

 And back down
 Can you see Maggie and Trey?
 Carl found this guy
 All done!

 Waiting for the ferry back...

 Dinner at Old Chicago
Yummy Frankfurter Torte
 Present time
Superhero Carl

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