Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Day at Doran

Since it is May, and the weather was glorious, and we are allllllmost done with our school coursework...we went to the beach on Monday!
 It was a beautiful day, even at the coast.

 Trey was searching for crabs.  He brought lots of dead whole/pieces of crab home and is drying them out in the back yard.  They all have Andrew, Marcus....
My sweet husband
We found all sorts of creatures, crabs, and this fellow.  It is like an eel, and has the face of a seahorse.
 I love the swirl in a shell.
Maggie found a tiny sand dollar and a dome shell.

 Lily, hard at work.
On the way home, we had to swing by Screamin' Mimis for some delicious ice cream :)  Big smiles!!!

I found this cutie in our garden.
 And here are 2 more cuties!

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