Wednesday, August 22, 2018

New Creation

I am a new creation!  I read it today again in 2 Corinthians 5:17.  

And I am righteous!  I read it in Romans and heard it preached.  A righteousness to all who believe…who transfer trust from self to Christ.  Faith means believing that certain things are true, but not just believing, but also trusting in these things, AND entering into benefit of these things.  A transformation of life because of Jesus.

So I am entering into the benefit of my faith in Christ and the way He’s transforming my life.

The reason Carl and I have been in Santa Rosa for 20 years is because we came to serve at the Evangelical Free Church of Santa Rosa which is now Grace Church of Santa Rosa.  We love the church, and we love our neighbors and community. 

It came to me today that it is a privilege and blessing to be here, especially now.  What a blessing to be among those who have lost all earthly things and cry with them.  What a blessing to see the boards rising out from dust and weeds and rejoice with them.  What a blessing to keep on keeping on because I KNOW whom I have believed (yes, been reading 2 Timothy) and to “continue in what you have learned and have firmly believed” (2 Tim. 3:14).  

So I am continuing on, sometimes in tears, sometimes in laughter…but hopefully always in faith in Christ who called me out of darkness to light, and out of death to life.  This is my firm belief.

I was just watering some of our plants on our patio.  I noticed a few weeks back that some of the mint and strawberries had died.  They were dead.  I was pretty bummed out because mint is pretty hard to kill.  

Just now, I noticed that both had new growth!  Cute little green leaves!  Back to life.  That’s what I’m talking about, Santa Rosa, and anyone else who needs to know that in Christ we are firmly planted new creations!

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