Thursday, December 1, 2022

To Blog Again...


Here I am, beginning to blog again.  I used to have inspirational moments brought on by a movement of my heart. I would sit down and hammer away at my thoughts at the keyboard...eventually sending those thoughts into the virtual world and not looking back.  But these last years it has not happened quite so much.  So here goes again.

Today I was reading today about Mary coming to Jesus's tomb in John 20.  Can't you just picture her standing there, weeping?  I have felt that emotional deluge before.  I am not a crier, but there are moments of such utter loss that rivers stream forth from my soul.  I think this was such a moment for Mary.  I love how she says, "They have taken away my Lord, and I do not know where they have laid him" (verse 13). She calls him "my Lord." He was hers and she was His.  (Just like by grace through faith in Jesus, I am His and He is mine.)  It also struck me that she just had seen 2 angels in white...but she was not interested in them.  Only in Jesus. 

Then Mary sees Jesus.  When she recognizes Him, He tells her not to cling but to go tell others that he is ascending "to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God" (verse 17).  The personal connections here are astonishing!  Jesus is acknowledging that His Father is also hers, His God also hers.  Siblings and servants together.  One with Christ.

Is this not amazing and beautiful? Is He your Lord?  Is He your Father and your God?

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