Saturday, November 27, 2021

A Last Letter from My Tante Elke--from a couple of months ago

I received a letter from my aunt in Germany a few days ago and wrote her back yesterday.  Little did I know, her letter would be the last one, and she will never read my letter here on earth.

Today she went home to be with Jesus.

My uncle called to let me know how she had biked to go shopping, but ended up not feeling so well and coming home to rest.  A typical day.  But so quickly not typical, as today was the particular day God chose for her to no longer have life and breath, instead stepping into eternity.

Let me share with you my last letter from Tante Elke:

“If I don't know the way, you know it well, that makes the soul quiet and peaceful.” —Evangelical Church Hymn Book, Number 591

Dear Kerstin, dear Ones,

Today your colorful little heart letter from 21. August brought joy. Most of the songs that remind of verses from the Bible encourage and strengthen faith. The authors often suffered severe hardships in wars and other difficulties. It is during these times the most beautiful songs came about. I sing them often and with pleasure. Also: “What a Friend we have in Jesus.” 

Yes, we had a lot of rain this summer. We are grateful after the great heat up to 104 degrees in the last few years. Our bean and tomato harvest is abundant, so good, that I can still give away a lot to others. Praise God, we didn't have storms.

I recently found Ilse Heukelbach's children’s song in the church hymn book. Maybe you still know it: “Heaven’s meadow, light and mild, how many stars do you count? Countless, so this many times, should my God be praised.”  With all the problems in the world, we who are God’s children may look up to Jesus, for their redemption is approaching, and praising and thanking him at all times. 

In happy bonds together greet you, Onkel Joachim and Tante Elke

My aunt suffered terrible hardships and severe trials. And yet she lived out her faith in Christ and encouraged me to do the same.  She called Jesus friend, letting Him bear her “sins and griefs” as the song she referenced says. “Can we find a friend so faithful, Who will all our sorrows share? Jesus knows our every weakness, Take it to the Lord in prayer.”

So as I weep at my loss of this sweet woman who loved me and those around her so well, I know for certain that she is now in the presence of her greatest Friend, that the weakness of her physical body is no longer an issue, that she has been redeemed, and that she is at this very moment peacefully, radiantly “praising and thanking him at all times” along with my mother and grandmother.

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