Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Out with the old, in with the New...Year! 2020!

Please allow me to share a few thoughts (and deep things to consider) as we bid "Goodbye" to 2019 and "Hello There" to 2020.

If you haven't ever, please consider seeking to know God.  Ask Him.

Who is He? Here's one answer I read today from words written thousands of years ago. He is the LORD, who stretched out the heavens and founded the earth and formed the spirit of man within him (Zechariah 12:1). Those are some credentials!

So as we think "out with the old, in with the new"--this is Good News or Gospel talk.  What's this Gospel? In Christ, people can have new life!  Through believing in Jesus' death and resurrection on our behalf, we are gifted with eternal life by this LORD of heaven and earth.  As John 17:3 says: And this is eternal life, that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent.   We are gifted with knowing God, and Jesus Christ.

About Jesus, I have chosen Colossians 1:17-18 as my 2020 verses: And [Jesus] is before all things, and in him all things hold together. And he is the head of the body, the church. He is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that in everything he might be preeminent.

I read a great article about this--mind blowing.  Jesus is the beginning and the middle and the end.  "He is the beginning. Present tense.  The gate of time stands open, and He occupies the threshold as humanity pours through on its way to eternity, blessed or condemned. He is the door, but also the deed; the object of all thous prepositions (by, through, in) and, and the same time, the active agent.  He does it.  He is it, yesterday and forever, and always today" ("The Beginning at the End", World Magazine, article by Janie B. Cheaney, p. 20).

Are you in need of clarity on this next year, on life, on eternity?  Are you in need of glue for the soul that holds it from coming unraveled?  Then seek to know the only true God, and Jesus Christ.

Seek Him.  To know Him.

And if you are already seeking Him, seek "that in everything He might be preeminent."


Christmas Letter 2019

Dear ones,

Isn’t it hard to believe that 2019 has come and gone?  As we look back at this past year in which we have moved houses again and experienced so, so much, we also know that it is only through Jesus Christ that we have peace with God. And God keeps “him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on [Him], because he trusts in [Him]. Trust in the Lord forever, for the Lord God is an everlasting rock.  Isaiah 26:3-4 

Carl:  It’s been a year of watching the Lord provide above and beyond in every way.  I’ve been enjoying different opportunities with the family.  The church continues to be a great blessing and peace with God through Christ still keeps being my greatest joy.  Ephesians 2:14 says Christ “himself is our peace.”

Kerstin: It always helps me reflect on the past year when I look through our photos. I have been busy with re-planting our lot, setting up a new household, homeschooling, art, and traveling. Starting the year in Idaho with family, I also loved helping Maggie get situated at college in Chico, CA and attending art and illustration workshops in Mendocino, CA and Pennsylvania.  We went on spontaneous snow trips to the Sierras, hiked around national parks in Arizona, Utah, and California, visited family, friends, and the beaches in southern CA, and had visitors and loved ones in our home throughout.  With so much transition and change, I often find myself singing “You Are My Hiding Place” (You always fill my heart with songs of deliverance whenever I am afraid, I will trust in YOU… Let the weak say, “I am strong in the strength of the LORD”), and looking at Psalm 90:1-2 which I have written on the chalkboard in our new hallway, in our new house, which stands on the same ground as our old house that is no more.  “Lord, you have been our dwelling place in all generations.  Before the mountains were brought forth, or ever you had formed the earth and the world, from everlasting to everlasting you are God.” He is my home, my peace, my everything, from everlasting to everlasting.  

Hanna: Hanna took the semester off in school and got a second ambulance job. She moved into her own place in Penngrove.  We love it when we get to see her and miss her very much!

Maggie: Maggie shares that she is “loving my major of communications design at Chico, the town, and my community. I am learning the depths of my Heavenly Father’s compassion.” She continues to love snowboarding, enjoying serving in different ministries, but misses her family (insert “Aw” from Kerstin). A verse that Maggie’s been clinging to is Romans 2:4, “God's kindness is meant to lead you to repentance.”

Lily: A high school sophomore, English is her favorite subject at school.  She’s also taken Santa Rosa Junior College classes, thoroughly enjoying sketching.  Lily seeks to be helpful to those around her and has taken delight in floral arranging.  She loves dancing and music, still playing the cello and piano.  Lily cooks for us every now and again, with her favorite dish to create being sushi.  She loves playing with our cats, a brother and sister who keep us all amused.  A Bible verse that encourages her is Matthew 28:20 where Jesus says: And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.

Trey: Now in eighth grade, Trey loves going to school two days a week at Grace Christian Academy and homeschooling. He continues to play violin, piano, soccer, and participate in ballroom dance.  He works on a farm and helps his dad with projects, but especially enjoys playing video games.  

It is our prayer this Christmas that you would trust in the God of all creation, who through Jesus Christ is our perfect peace and our everlasting dwelling place.  

Merry Christmas and God’s peace in 2020!

Sunday, December 15, 2019

November-December trips, school, visits, and activities

Trey and Carl went dirt biking in icy conditions.  Father/son style.

 We celebrated Liz's big 40 birthday with a hoe down.
Maggie came home from college for it

 Ash and Link were sleeping like this!
The whole family at Thanksgiving time, standing behind our new house.  So thankful for God's faithful provision.
 And in front of our house
 Hanna stops by for dinner
 Link grabbed Ash around her neck and was licking her head
 Ready for ballroom dancing
 Singing praise songs at Grace Christian Academy.
 Field trip to tide pools with Trey and the Marine Biology class

Our son makes me laugh!

 Ash snuggles with Lily during Algebra 2
 Trey plays in the orchestra

 Maggie is home from college
 More art from Lily's sketching class

 Mother/daughter date with Maggie in Sebastopol
 Hike at Annandel
 Lake Ralphine

 Carl gets to hanging our chandelier
 Visit with Opa and Oma at Thanksgiving

 Opa still knows so many songs praising God in German

 Schoffeitt's in Healdsburg

Hot Chocolate and Lattes at the Flying Goat
 Shopping with Opa is so fun

 A trip to Opa's favorite, Screamin' Mimis for Hazelnut Ice Cream

 Trey is playing indoor soccer, loving scoring goals!
 We play Christmas carols together
 A mom's retreat where I have quiet times on the window seat.
 Nordquist Holiday Dance...and Mother/Son dance

 Trip to Monterey

 The Monterey Bay Aquarium

The sea otters where so cute!

 I love God's creativity in the jellyfish

 Lily spots seals and sea otters out on a buoy


Another favorite--the sea horse

 Sitting in the car doing a quiet time during Trey's violin lesson.