Thursday, October 15, 2015

Fort Ross, Camping, and Life

Lily loves her hamster Stella and made a balloon bouquet for Maggie's birthday.
 More soccer
 Camping at Doran was fun albeit more foggy than October typically is.
Maggie worked on her photography skills.
 We had the fun of going to Ft. Ross overnight, taking on historical roles and living as if we were there long ago.  I was the photographer, a French man named Auguste, Lily was a cook, and Trey was in the militia.
 A storyteller told stories by candlelight.
Morning comes

 Marching, and marching, and marching
 Food prep
They learned how to brand.
 We spent time down at the beach.
 They learned a Russian dance.
 Trey had to march with his bayonet.
 Flag lowering
 I got to go away for a weekend on Lake Nacimiento and WATERSKI, tube, kayak, and hang with friends.  So fun.  I have waterskied in New Jersey at the bay in Toms River, on the Mediterranean Sea by Monaco, in Alaska, and now (20 years later) in CA.  We even saw an eagle.
Lily's soccer team won the championship.
 A photo of Hanna and Maggie in Alaska this past summer
 Trey with one of his friends.

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