Thursday, April 23, 2015

Coastal Getaway

We enjoyed a quick camping trip at Stillwater Cove for Lily's 11th birthday.  It was a sweet time together at the coast, in the Redwoods, with all the beauty of God's creation to enjoy.  We also were thrilled to be able to be together as a family before the older girls are gone for a portion of the summer.

 Can you see them?
We had a yummy birthday breakfast in the trailer--eggs, bacon, and 2 types of freshly baked croissants (dried apple, walnut, cinnamon, and chocolate chip).
 Our site as we roasted hot dogs, brats, and croissants.  There were wildflowers everywhere--including forget-me-nots!

The birthday girl on her birthday evening

Trey (after a bought of rolling in the dirt...)

Can you see all 4 Fletchings?

 Lily found an abalone, but the ranger said it had been poached and she couldn't keep it...

 We stopped by Ft. Ross on the way home

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