Tuesday, April 29, 2014

National History Day California State Competition

 Lily found these chocolate ladybugs sneaking some of her apple juice :)  Her 10th birthday was a bit sad as I was super sick with a horrible ear infection.  But Carl and the kids went to Spring Lake for a picnic.
 Hanna made Lily's favorite cake--Mocha Cream Torte.
 Happy Birthday, Lily.
 We drove to Riverside for National History Day CA.  Our first dinner--Claim Jumper.  Yummy!
 Lily at her poster.  She was in the top 6 finalists.
 Maggie and Hanna's exhibit.
 Riverside--we walked from the Convention Center around town.

 We met George Washington!
 They fired musket.
 It was fun for Lily to see the women in suffrage costumes since that was her poster's topic.
 Queen Victoria was present as well :)
 On our drive home, we stopped in Ventura and visited Opa and Oma for a short time.
 Then we visited Georg and Jacqueline and the cousins.

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