Saturday, April 20, 2013


What a privilege and blessing to get to see the beauty of God's creation in such a vivid way at Yosemite.  We got to camp at North Pines. 

 By the Merced River

 It was such nice weather the first day--perfect for exploring.
 The kids got a kick out of the squirrels and birds.

 You could see Yosemite Falls from so many places!
 We loved all the waterfalls--like these Royal Cascade Falls.
 Climbing up was such fun!

 Maggie always has a hankering to climb.  She kept looking for good spots to go higher.

 "This water is freezing!"
 Carl and Trey
 Lily and Trey...and Maggie up high

Maggie and her Papa
 Trey enjoying the views
 "Where did that squirrel go?"
 Father and son
 Upper Yosemite Falls
 Lower Yosemite Falls
 With Lynzie and Leonard...such a fun time!

 Half Dome in the distance
 Waiting for the bus...
 ...we got silly!  Maggie is drinking Lower Yosemite Falls!
 Carl got thirsty too!

I loved these beautiful blooms! 
 The deer were not bashful.  They didn't move as we passed by.
 On the way to Vernal Falls I saw this waterfall in the distance.  There were so many waterfalls everywhere.
 Hike to Vernal Falls.
 Vernal Falls in the distance.

 Lily and Papa
 This is why it's call the Mist Trail! 

 Vernal Falls in all God's glorious creativity!
 At the top of Vernal Falls
 Looking down the falls
 Maggie, Hanna, and I continued on to hike up to Nevada Falls (you can see it in the distance here).
 Styrofoam snow!
 Hiking up Nevada Falls

 Hanna made a snowball!
 Top of the falls

 Time for a break :)

It's starting to snow!!!

 Back down the trail...
 ...we did it!
Later that day, we hiked to Mirror Lake in a snow shower...with more deer.
 Moments later, the sun came out.  God put on quite the display with the sky, clouds, cliffs, and water!

 Mirror Lake

 We loved how much of a mirror there was.

 Jumping on a log...
 ...while Hanna laughed!

 Some more photos of Cascade Falls.

 Hanging out by the waterfall, on the side of a cliff :)

 Lupine on the way home
Lily and Carl reflect on their popsicles in the backyard.

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